Useful tips for a container garden Best tips for Maintaining container gardens in hot climates Growing lettuce in containers Container Garden success Tips Flower-filled pots, pans, and half-barrels add glamor to any garden, but container gardening can also serve a practical purpose. Container gardening is best for those who have little or no garden space. In addition to growing flowers, gardeners can also grow a variety of vegetable crops in containers on a balcony, in a small yard, or in the sunlight on their driveway. Basil, wedges, dried thyme, and other herbs are so much fun to grow in pots that they can be set up in a convenient place outside the kitchen door. Container gardening adds versatility to both large and small gardens. Plants give instant color, provide a focal point in the garden or connect the architecture of the house with the garden. Place them on the floor or on a pedestal, mount them o...
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